Overwatch: Genji Bug Allows a Permanent Dragonblade

Players successfully reproduce infinite dragonblade bug.

Sam Lee
Hollywood.com Esports


Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment

Capable of taking down most heroes in just two hits, Genji’s Dragonblade is one of the most powerful ultimate abilities in Overwatch. Now, imagine if Genji had access to it forever!

During a game as Genji on Route 66, Twitch streamer Majorawesome1 accidentally gave himself a permanent Dragonblade by activating his ultimate shortly before getting hooked by an enemy Roadhog, who immediately died mid hook. As a result, Genji’s Dragonblade animation played and Majorawesome1 had Genji’s ultimate for an unlimited duration. See below for a demonstration of the bug. Warning: NSFW Language.

After some experimenting, Reddit User Findanother1 was able to reproduce the bug in a skirmish. It seems that if Genji is hooked and uses Dragonblade and Swift Strike within one frame right after Roadhog dies, the bug will occur.

However, don’t expect this bug to stay in the game much longer as Lead Software Engineer Bill Warnecke of Blizzard responded to thank Findanother1 for looking into this bug and assuring that it would be fixed.

It’s interesting to see what Genji would be like if he could have his Dragonblade forever because Blizzard has mentioned that one version of Genji early in development only had his sword. However, they found this design of Genji to be frustrating to other players because he could constantly take down players in two hits. On the other hand, he was also frustrating to play as because his short range made it difficult to catch anyone with his slashes.

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