League of Legends Releases Sheet Music for Champion Themes

Download the musical scores for Kled, Camille, Tahm Kench, and Demacia Rising.

Sam Lee
Hollywood.com Esports


Courtesy of League of Legends

In his latest entry on the Nexus, League of Legends Composer Edouard Brenneisen a.k.a. “Ed the Conquerer” states that one of the most fulfilling aspects of being a composer is to hear how musicians around the world re-imagine the music he creates. In an effort to help share the music League of Legends has created, the sheet music for several champions are now available to download.

However, the released files are the raw sheet music and may not exactly reflect the finished product. As such, some pieces of the sheet music are more polished than others because several changes were made live during the recording sessions and may not have been duly noted on the sheet music. In their first wave of releases, League of Legends has shared the themes of Kled, Camille, Tahm Kench, and Demacia Rising.

Kled, the Cantankerous Cavalier

Click here to download the sheet music for Kled’s theme.

Camille, the Steel Shadow

Click here to download the sheet music for Camille’s theme.

Tahm Kench, the River King

Click here to download the sheet music for Tahm Kench’s theme.

Demacia Rising

Click here to download the sheet music for Demacia Rising.

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